材料 Ingredients: - 5個雞腿 5 drumstick
【腌制材料 Marinade ingredients】 - 一湯匙的玉米粉 1 tbsp of corn starch - 一湯匙的粘米粉 1 tbsp of rice flour - 一湯匙的咖喱粉 1 tbsp of curry powder - 一湯匙的辣椒粉 1 tbsp of Chilli powder - 半湯匙的鹽 half tbsp of salt - 3顆紅蔥頭 3 shallots - 1塊黃姜 1 turmeric - 1 塊姜 1 ginger - 4瓣蒜米 4 cloves of garlic - 2-3條香茅 2-3 lemon grass
【提香材料 elevated aroma ingredients】 - 適量的咖喱葉 some curry leaves - 適量的辣椒干 some dried chilli